Read How to export a JavaScript module to multiple formats

How to export a JavaScript module to multiple formats

When publishing a JavaScript library, we usually want to make it available to as many people as possible to maximize the library's usefulness and adoption. In that respect, it can be helpful to users to have the library available in their preferred module format - CommonJS, AMD, ES6, etc. This article shows how to use webpack to automatically export multiple formats without having to maintain them separately.

Read Speeding up webpack performance with parallel builds

Speeding up webpack performance with parallel builds

When using webpack to build your assets, it's only a matter of time until you wish for targeted builds. Whether it's the output of the library you're working on (CJS, UMD, AMD, Var, etc.), or the specific feature set (IE8 support, no IE8 support). parallel-webpack can run those builds in parallel, thus making full use of the multi-core processing capabilities of modern devices.