Tauan Zimmermann

Tauan Zimmermann

Software developer at trivago. Supporting the coordination of communities of practice at trivago. Constantly learning about how to be a good tech lead, about people development and team work.

Read One Year Working with Guilds

One Year Working with Guilds

It has been about a year since we started the guilds in trivago Software Engineering department in Düsseldorf. You can read about the time when we started here.

I would like to share with you some things we have learnt. We have three guilds active at the moment: PHP, JavaScript and UX/UI.

Read Team Work Made Simple with Guilds

Team Work Made Simple with Guilds

How can we organize the collaboration of more than a hundred developers on a wide range of topics? How could they decide about good practices in the company? Those are some questions that drove trivago to give it a try on a different structure: the guilds.