Read My Journey to trivago

My Journey to trivago

I’m Behrang Yarahmadi from Iran and I’m a 3rd-year Computer Engineering student at the University of Duisburg-Essen.

Sometimes, when I look back over the time I have spent working at trivago, I see how it changed my life and how lucky I’ve been to have the chance to work with this amazing community, to live and to learn with them. I look back and see a younger version of myself looking desperately for something different and, through sheer luck, getting it.

Read Nine Nations, United in Code

Nine Nations, United in Code

Ten participants from nine countries — India, Cuba, Tunisia, England, Poland, Spain, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Brazil. Even on trivago scale, this kind of diversity was impressive.

These were the software developers who were selected for the trivago Tech Camp 2018, an eight-day event taking place at the trivago campus in Düsseldorf, Germany. The event is aimed primarily at IT students, but the admission rules are not terribly strict — basic-to-intermediate coding and problem-solving skills suffice, and many candidates sent in code samples which were so advanced that we were quite impressed. In the end, we also had a physicist on board.

Read Win a Spot in a 5-day JavaScript Workshop With Kyle Simpson!

Win a Spot in a 5-day JavaScript Workshop With Kyle Simpson!

trivago engineering is excited and looking forward to welcoming Kyle Simpson to the spectacular new trivago Campus.

Kyle will give a 5-day JavaScript workshop starting on the 6th of August, 2018. While the workshop is primarily for trivago employees, we want to share this special occasion with the community as well. Therefore, we have reserved three spots for JavaScript enthusiasts who share our love for open source projects.

Read Code Review: Best Practices and Common Pitfalls

Code Review: Best Practices and Common Pitfalls

At trivago we have been using code reviews as a part of our process for a good while now. In the beginning they weren't used by many teams but as word of their positive impact spread, more and more teams started adopting this practice, benefiting every day from its many advantages. Like any new practice it has been a learning process from the start. In this blog post I will cover why code reviews are incredibly beneficial when done right and will share what we have learned and which best practices we employ.

Read One Year Working with Guilds

One Year Working with Guilds

It has been about a year since we started the guilds in trivago Software Engineering department in Düsseldorf. You can read about the time when we started here.

I would like to share with you some things we have learnt. We have three guilds active at the moment: PHP, JavaScript and UX/UI.

Read trivago Tech GetTogether 2016

trivago Tech GetTogether 2016

With engineers spread across four offices, collaboration and communication in trivago's IT is a challenge. Additionally, new engineers join the company all the time, which makes it even harder to figure out who to talk to about certain products, packages, and technologies.

Read Team Work Made Simple with Guilds

Team Work Made Simple with Guilds

How can we organize the collaboration of more than a hundred developers on a wide range of topics? How could they decide about good practices in the company? Those are some questions that drove trivago to give it a try on a different structure: the guilds.