Read Women in Tech Meetup

Women in Tech Meetup

Learning about risk-taking, sentiment analysis, cybersecurity, and psychological safety in one evening? That’s quite a mix, isn't it?

That’s what the audience got offered at the Women in Tech meetup, which took place on February 29th in trivago's office space. Together with iteratec, trivago had the pleasure of bringing together the vibrant community of female tech talents and their allies on the occasion of International Women's Day, for an evening featuring stories about risk, safety, and continuous improvement.

Read Explore-exploit dilemma in Ranking model

Explore-exploit dilemma in Ranking model

Imagine, out of thousands of accommodations that match a user search, you have to select the “best” 25 to show to the user. Which ones would you show- the ones you know perform well or ones that have never been shown before, so that you can discover new high-potential accommodations? In the Data Science world, this is known as exploitation (continue doing what works well) versus exploration (try something new to discover hidden potential) problem and is often explained using the well-known multi-armed bandit problem. The objective of the problem is to divide a fixed number of resources between competing choices to maximize their expected gains, given that the properties of each choice are not fully known at the time of allocation.