Read Streamlining GraphQL Service Testing with Karate

Streamlining GraphQL Service Testing with Karate

Over the last year trivago refactored the existing GraphQL monolith and moved to a microservice architecture, in what is also known as a federated setup. Federated GraphQL, as championed by Apollo, represents a significant shift in how companies architect and scale their GraphQL ecosystems, especially when transitioning from monolithic designs to microservice-based architectures. In a federated setup, each microservice maintains its own GraphQL schema, relevant to the domain it serves. These individual schemas are then seamlessly stitched together into a unified gateway. This gateway serves as the single access point for clients, enabling them to query data across multiple services as if it were coming from a single, monolithic GraphQL API. Such change involves also a completely new approach to the test and delivery, with the goal of empowering developers to quickly and safely deploy to production autonomously.

Read Interview for BrowserStack's Breakpoint 2020 Conference

Interview for BrowserStack's Breakpoint 2020 Conference

After 15 years as a game/application developer and trainer, Benjamin decided to make test automation his career. He's currently a Test Automation Engineer in trivago's core QA team. Benjamin is also the author and maintainer of two open source projects for Cucumber BDD parallel test execution and reporting. He is an occasional speaker at conferences on testing and automation.

Read Building fast and reliable web applications

Building fast and reliable web applications

Test, test, test. If you don’t, an issue is bound to crop up in production sooner or later.

We’ve all heard this mantra in one form or another. The importance of testing your software has been covered by countless articles, books and conferences. You worked hard on your code coverage and your downtime due to regression-related bugs has severely decreased.

Read How we got rid of 5k lines of our bash release process

How we got rid of 5k lines of our bash release process

When I joined trivago a year ago, we had problems with our releases. The traffic was increasing each day. When we put the server back into the load balancer without warming up the OPcache it would die. From time to time the warmup failed silently. Our DCO (data center operations) crew had to log into the servers and restart a few processes manually. During this time every release was very intense.