trivago engineering is excited and looking forward to welcoming Kyle Simpson to the spectacular new trivago Campus.
Kyle will give a 5-day JavaScript workshop starting on the 6th of August, 2018. While the workshop is primarily for trivago employees, we want to share this special occasion with the community as well. Therefore, we have reserved three spots for JavaScript enthusiasts who share our love for open source projects.
What do you have to do?
If this sounds like something that might interest you, all you have to do is to file a pull request with either Babel or webpack.
Why these two projects?
Well, we like them very much. In fact, we like them so much that we are sponsoring them so that they can continue to innovate. If this competition can get them a couple of new contributors, we will be one step closer to our goal of a sustainable open-source ecosystem.
But I’m not an expert yet, and these projects look really complicated
Relax! Your pull request does not have to revolutionize the core of Babel or webpack, or yield a 20% performance improvement. It can be something small, like a little bug fix, or a piece of documentation. As long as it’s something useful, you’re on the safe side.
In Babel’s issue tracker on GitHub, keep your eyes open for the “good first issue” tag. The webpack contributor’s page might give you some ideas, as well.
Ok, sounds good. Where do I sign up?
With the URL of your pull request at hand, head over to our sign-up form. Fill out a couple of fields, hit “Submit”, and you’re good to go.
Good luck, and we hope to see you soon!
About Kyle Simpson
Kyle Simpson is an internationally renowned author, speaker, and instructor. He describes himself as “an evangelist of the Open Web, passionate about all things JavaScript”, and might be best known for his “You don’t know JS” series of excellent JavaScript books.
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