QA Meetup - 2nd Edition: Presentations and Recap

QA Meetup - 2nd Edition: Presentations and Recap

At trivago, tech meetups are one of our favorite formats to learn and exchange knowledge. In April, we hosted the 2nd edition of the QA Meetup, which turned out to be a great success. The event attracted over 65 attendees from various roles and companies. The evening was filled with inspiring talks by several talented QA experts. Attendees were sharing insights, asking questions, and soaking up knowledge. To make things even more exciting, there was a competitive quiz that got everyone on their toes, and a magic show by one of our speakers that completely amazed the audience.


We had a total of 3 presentations:

  1. Reinventing the wheel - Why we created our own reporting solution : Benjamin Bischoff, a Test Automation Engineer at trivago talked about why we decided to create our own test reporting solution called “Cluecumber” instead of going with the de facto standard. He shared details about the process, the challenges encountered and the learnings involved with an open source project like “Cluecumber”. The complete presentation can be downloaded from here.

  2. Stories about quality coaching : Viviane Hennecke, a specialized Quality Coach at Accenture Quality Engineering Services talked about the role of Quality Coaching in ensuring continuous improvement of product, people and process development. She also shared real-life examples of how she helped improve the acceptance criteria quality in dozens of teams by applying quality coaching. The complete presentation can be downloaded from here.

  3. From Oversight to Ownership - The Central Role of QA in trivago’s App Release Cycle : Iryna Kruhlik, a QA Engineer at trivago talked about how her QA team has taken over the apps release process and the benefits of it. Her presentation deep dived into the technical and the planning aspects of a release process with a lot of behind-the-scenes details. The complete presentation can be downloaded from here.

After the presentations, everyone dove into passionate conversations on various QA topics while enjoying some tasty Indian food, forging new connections and friendships. The final act was an incredible magic show presented by Benjamin Bischoff, which served as a perfect way to wrap up a fantastic evening!

The palpable enthusiasm and synergy of the event have us counting down the days until the next ‘QA Meetup’. talk1 talk2 talk3 magic_show team