Read Efficient Image Recovery at Scale Using Amazon S3 Versioning

Efficient Image Recovery at Scale Using Amazon S3 Versioning

If you’re using Amazon Web Services, then there is a higher possibility that you’re familiar with Amazon S3. Amazon S3 ( Simple Storage Service ) is a widely used service where we can store (theoretically unlimited amount of) our data with a high availability 99.99%. That’s why we, the Visual Content team at trivago, use Amazon S3 to store the images which you see on our website and many other tools.

Read Improving Your Data Layer with Rebase on Python

Improving Your Data Layer with Rebase on Python

Technology keeps getting better and better which, at some point, makes us think "Should I migrate to the latest version/technology or not?" Well when you decide to use a better technology for your application, you have to also consider rewriting the code that your application runs on. The business logic remains the same in most of the cases but the data model would definitely change if you are switching from SQL to some NoSQL Technology for example.

Read Win a Spot in a 5-day JavaScript Workshop With Kyle Simpson!

Win a Spot in a 5-day JavaScript Workshop With Kyle Simpson!

trivago engineering is excited and looking forward to welcoming Kyle Simpson to the spectacular new trivago Campus.

Kyle will give a 5-day JavaScript workshop starting on the 6th of August, 2018. While the workshop is primarily for trivago employees, we want to share this special occasion with the community as well. Therefore, we have reserved three spots for JavaScript enthusiasts who share our love for open source projects.

Read AWS Kinesis with Lambdas: Lessons Learned

AWS Kinesis with Lambdas: Lessons Learned

Almost six months ago, our team started the journey to replicate some of our data stored in on-premise MySQL machines to AWS. This included over a billion records stored in multiple tables. The new system had to be responsive enough to transfer any new incoming data from the MySQL database to AWS with minimal latency.

Read trivago just made filtering faster and more accessible, but why and how?

trivago just made filtering faster and more accessible, but why and how?

As we all adventure around this space that we call the Internet, consuming content is often on our minds. Naturally with the vast amount of data, filtering out what’s not interesting is a huge time saver. In order to help you find your ideal hotel at the best price, trivago’s filters are one of the best ways to do so. Sadly, some visitors couldn’t even access them due to poor accessibility and performance.

Read How trivago Reduced Memcached Memory Usage by 50%

How trivago Reduced Memcached Memory Usage by 50%

If you’ve never heard about Memcached, it is simply a high-performance, distributed memory caching system which uses a key-value store for strings and objects. Usually, it serves for saving data originally retrieved from a database or external services. As simple as it is, it can improve the performance of your website quite a bit. The API of Memcached is very simple and accessible from most of modern programming languages. A simple example: