Read Implementing Data Validation with Great Expectations in Hybrid Environments

Implementing Data Validation with Great Expectations in Hybrid Environments

Data validation is an essential step in any data processing pipeline, as it ensures the integrity and accuracy of the data to be used across all subsequent processing steps. Great Expectations (GX) is an open-source framework that provides a flexible and efficient way to perform data validation, allowing data scientists and analysts to quickly identify and correct any issues with their data. In this article, we share our experience implementing Great Expectations for data validation in our Hadoop environment, and our take on its benefits and limitations.

Read Improving Your Data Layer with Rebase on Python

Improving Your Data Layer with Rebase on Python

Technology keeps getting better and better which, at some point, makes us think "Should I migrate to the latest version/technology or not?" Well when you decide to use a better technology for your application, you have to also consider rewriting the code that your application runs on. The business logic remains the same in most of the cases but the data model would definitely change if you are switching from SQL to some NoSQL Technology for example.